Landman 2024– Torrent
They essentially manage the land and secure leases so that they can extract oil and gas
A contemporary tale of the pursuit of fortune in the world of the West Texas oil rigs. See the most popular movies and TV series by writer/director Taylor Sheridan on IMDb, ranked by user ratings. A landman, at least one who works in the oil industry, will act as a go-between between exploration companies and landowners. Landowners’ jobs are typically to negotiate and make agreements with landowners who hold mineral rights to lease those rights to the company they represent.
Only three episodes
As foremen on the construction site, they build roads, worker dormitories (human camp), assemble excavation machinery, and drill the well itself, especially in remote locations. They are also part of the Fixer, Problem Solver, and Facilitator. Mentioned on CBS News Sunday Morning: Episode #44.24 (2022). Billy Bob Thornton returns to Texas after his 2006 series Friday Nights.
Interesting people and plots
The atmosphere is like Yellowstone and this series is a welcome one – it has a bit of reality, a bit of superheroes and a bit of fantasy. Set in an oil field in the Permian Basin, great cast so far! Us oil field guys are shaking our heads at the inaccuracies of field life and the explosions/explosions. The technical glitches in the first three episodes are embarrassing and your technical consultant got it wrong in the explosion scene.
No hammer unless brass hammer (ie
Stuck old valve, 24 inch pipe wrench (mounted upside down and hammered in the top? 100% wrong. Torque required, no cheater ever tried this first? no sparks)?