Productivity 101: A Primer to the Getting Things Done GTD Philosophy

Hitask has a free plan and two paid plans ($5/user/month for teams and $20/user/month for enterprise). To simplify the process, Hitask allows you to make complex tasks more manageable by creating subtasks within each and categorizing tasks and subtasks using tags and colors to make your workspace more inspiring. Having everything in one place, organized and categorized, you can rest assured your tasks will be completed even ahead of the schedule.

gtd system

Connect with our partner in your region and see how they can help you or your organization get started. Over 2 million people like you have been introduced to GTD® and discovered the power of clearing their mind, sharpening their focus, and accomplishing more with ease and elegance. Trying to organize your business within a spreadsheet is often as frustrating as watching a toddler try to fit a cube into a triangle-shaped hole.

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During your break, you review your notepad or app and clarify each item. He realized that our brains have many powers but aren’t great at remembering all the stuff we need to do. So, he wanted to find a way to get all that information out of our heads and into a system so we could focus better and get things done more easily. Evernote is a popular choice, and we’ve mentioned how to make it GTD-friendly in the past, along with some templates to get you started. I you prefer Springpad, it’s easily massaged into a GTD-friendly organizer as well. All three are great for GTD, even if they’re a bit heavy and feature-rich.

You’ll know you’ve captured everything when you have nothing left pulling at your attention. At this point you can put all your focus on the task at hand and get into a “zone” with everything you do. The Getting Things Done method is an easy to implement, flexible method that reduces the strain on your brain and helps you get higher-impact work done. Although this method requires up-front effort, it’ll become second nature with time and practice. The Engage step is where you get the bulk of your work done within the GTD method. David Allen has called this weekly review a “critical factor for success” because frequent review of your system will ensure that you aren’t just doing things, but that you are doing the right things.

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Everyone interested in being less stressed and more productive should try it at least once. One of the core tenets of GTD is to get tasks out of your head and into your external system the moment they come to you. Todoist syncs across platforms — computer, phone, web browser, email client, smartwatch, or smart home assistant — so you can enter tasks anytime, from anywhere.

  • Instead of trying to store all of your project information in your brain, the GTD method uses a five step system to capture and catalogue your to-dos into an external source, such as a work management tool.
  • You can use Todoist to set due dates and
    recurring reminders, and you can assign tasks to others.
  • Covering every great idea in Getting Things Done is beyond the scope of a single blog post.
  • Pricing is also quite important as GTD applications don’t need to be that much expensive.
  • Lastly, Wrike gives you in-depth insights into your team’s performance via advanced reports and analytics.

Typically, this happens when you’re confused about the purpose of your calendar. The other night, I was sitting on the couch watching some YouTube videos. I then remembered that I needed to grab some quarters for the parking meter the following day. Otherwise, you can get stalled deciding which project task you should do first (or get distracted switching between project tasks). Before I get into specific lessons from the book, I want to give a brief overview of the philosophy behind GTD®.

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